Smithsonian First Ladies
The Smithsonian Institution commissioned Suzanne Gibson to
recreate the First Ladies collection exhibited in the First
Ladies hall of the National Museum of American History in
Washington D. C. Suzanne Gibson, recognized as one of today's
leading doll designers, presents her interpretation of the
First Ladies' gowns. Her extensive research and attention
to details resulted in these faithful recreations of the
gowns displayed at the museum. Fabric, colors and prints
have been followed as accurately as possible. This
collection was originated by Mrs. Rose Gouverneur Hoes
and Mrs. Julian James, two Washington women who were
interested in the costume collections of the Smithsonian
Institution. The first dress was presented by Mrs. William
Howard Taft in 1912, during her husband's administration.
Donations by former first ladies and their descendants
completed the collection. The face of the mannequins at
the First Ladies exhibit in Washington is modeled after a
bust representing Cornelia, daughter of Shakespeare's King
Lear. This bust was made in 1863, by the sculptor, Pierce F.
Connelly of Louisiana. Suzanne Gibson's doll face of the First
Ladies collection is an interpretation of this bust which
reflects a classic sense of elegance and charm. The First
Ladies dolls are 12", all in vinyl, with jointed head, arms
and legs.