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![]() One of Suzanne's greatest passions in her life, has been the love of her precious animals. Suzanne and her husband, are presently owned by a charming menagerie, including Chanel, a Bichon Frise, Pierre an Apricot Toy Poodle, and Bear, an adorable Cocker Spaniel. Suzanne Gibson is an active member of the AOL Bichon Brigade, an Internet Message Board, for people who love and adore their Bichons Frise. It was here, that she first learned about the horrors and atrocities of Puppy Mills. She heard about the cruelty, inflicted upon literally thousands of helpless dogs. Puppy Mills produce puppies, in mass quantity for profit, in deplorable conditions, with little or no health care. They are then shipped in large semi-trucks, across the country to the nation's pet shops, for resale to the public. The parents of these cute little pet shop puppies, are left behind, many times, fed only enough to keep them alive, until their next litter of puppies is due. Suzanne has seen pictures, of dogs being raised in very small cages, one on top of the other, never seeing sunlight. She saw how their feet are deformed, and their toes are splayed, from walking for years on wire, never having felt grass, beneath their feet, and how they are afraid of everything and everyone. She saw the holes, from the tags, in their little ears, preparing them for auction, as if they were cattle, and she was greatly disturbed. It was also at this time, that she learned of a very special not-for-profit organization, Small Paws Rescue Inc., which not only rescues, the unwanted and unloved, from the Puppy Mills, and animal shelters all across the country, but is also active in the legislative process. Their goal is that one day, the horrors of Puppy Mills, will be only a bad memory of the past. Small Paws Rescue gives complete and thorough vet care, to each and every dog that is accepted into rescue. Each one is spayed and neutered, to prevent the already overwhelming number of the unwanted pet population from climbing even further. Small Paws Rescue has placed Bichons in loving "forever" homes all over the country.They operate soley on donations. It is with this knowledge, that Suzanne has dedicated this special time in her life, when others might be slowing down, to actually speeding up and joining this rescue effort! All of the proceeds from her future speaking engagements, and the newly announced sale of the Suzanne Gibson personal collection, will go towards helping Small Paws Rescue, and their rescue efforts. |
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Suzanne Gibson, Her Dolls and Small Paws Rescue... More About the Artist... Meet the Kalico Kids... Porcelain Kalico Kids... Adventures of the Kalico Kids... Reeves International Vinyl Dolls... Porcelain Ballerinas... Porcelain Fashion Dolls... Smithsonian First Ladies... Dolls Currently Available... More Available Dolls... Awards... Paper Dolls ![]() |